New Material Award 2009–2018 
New Material Award 2009-2018

Fioen van Balgooi in collaboration with Berber Soepboer

Fragment Textiles

Fioen van Balgooi is a textile designer who places the circular economy at the centre of her work. Van Balgooi uses cradle to cradle principles such as reuse, refinement and infinite improvement to identify key values for the design and production of truly sustainable garments. Clothing must be renewable, long-lasting and biodegradable and ultimately support human welfare from a fibre’s origins until its wearer finally discards it. Van Balgooi was twice named to the Dutch Sustainable Youth 100 list.

In collaboration with Berber Soepboer, van Balgooi designed a dress and skirt based on a ‘click-and-fold system’, in which garments can be adapted to suit the mood and taste of the wearer. The Fragment Textiles dress and skirt are made from Cradle-to-Cradle-certified American wool felt. Because the garments are made out of one material (with no thread used) they are fully recyclable.
year: 2009
Materials: Textile, Fashion, Modularity